Browse Science Challenge Catalogue (ALL)


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Computational model for calculating tracks of particles in the coastal ocean

Part of an on-line tool to allow users to drop virtual plastic in parts of NZ’s coastal ocean, enabling them to learn about connectivity in the coastal ocean. The computational particle-tracking model...

Computational model for optimising power produced from large tidal turbine farms in Cook Strait

A modelling framework for calculating power produced from large tidal turbine farms which can be used with an existing hydrodynamic model. The framework optimises turbine tuning to maximise average f...

CTD data from water column surveys of Nydia Bay and Pelorus Sound

Depth, temperature, salinity, Chlorophyll a fluorescence data from water column surveys collected up to 12 locations in Pelorus Sound and fortnightly to monthly intervals (17 occasions) along a transe...

CTD survey of Marlborough Sounds Salmon farms (NSC 4.1.1 (11))

1) Profiles of oxygen, temperature, salinity and fluorescence with depth at sites 10m, 50m, 100m and 300m downstream of salmon farms and at reference sites in Januaray 2017, Feburary 2018 and November...

Data from the Imaging Flow Cytobot for identification and enumeration of harmful algae

Image files showing the size sorted composition of the entire phytoplankton community from long and short term deployments of the Imaging FlowCytobot in Pelorus Sound March-April 2019. The instrument ...

Development of a Business model canvas for Pātiki aquaculture

Relevant production and market data will be collected to assess the economic viability of farming yellowbelly flounder and then a validated Aquaculture ecosystem canvas will be created.
(Sustainable S...

Diel variability in water parameters between two channels in Waitati Inlet, Otago (NSC 4.1.1 (19))

Water parameters including temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, chlorophyll, depth and pH measured at either 1 or 2 minute resolution across 7-days during spring tides in January, March and May 20...

East coast oceanographic survey (NSC 4.1.1 (1))

1) Signatures of d13C and d15N from 185 samples of suspended organic matter collected along the East Coast of the South Island (February and November 2018)
2) Concentrations of nitrate, phosphate, amm...

EBM-enabling narratives

Case studies including interviews and secondary data from formal and informal documents.
3 videos
1 Graphic novella
1 A0 sized poster
(Sustainable Seas project CP1.2 EBM enabling narratives for New Ze...

Ecosystem based management of shellfish in the Marlborough Sounds

Literature search of reports and papers relevant to shellfish and shellfish habitats in the Marlborough Sounds. Data within these documents is being summarised as metadata for map generation. Subseque...

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