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All interviews were transcribed for data analysis. Interview/focus group transcripts were then coded and analysed in QSR International NVivo 12 using whole-text analysis (e.g. Miles and Huberman, 1994) in the constructivist grounded theory tradition, which encourages researchers to develop themes for use in the analysis and evaluation of data, but also allows for the emergence of new and unexpected themes (after Charmaz, 2014). For Phase I coding transcripts were coded based on the relevant components of the Waka Taurua framework. Annotations were used to record the process of emergence and relationships between themes (Strauss and Corbin, 1990). For Phase II coding, examples of the different Waka Taurua components i.e. transcendental values/ contextual values were grouped. Emergent themes are also shown in Table X. As there was a large volume of information regarding challenges and opportunities emergent themes were also identified under these two broad categories.
The authors sought to share information provided in a way that was respectful of the ownership, control, access and possession (OCAP) of the person interviewed and their contributions. As such, raw data (e.g. recordings and transcripts) was provided back to people interviewed. After the data was transcribed and an initial analysis conducted, feedback on research findings was sought from participants. Reports (including this publication) were reviewed and approved by participants, and key contacts, and copies are available to these people on request.
(Sustainable Seas project number 2.1.2)