Creator: |
Stefanie Kremser, ORCID:0000-0002-3573-7083, email: [email protected], Ph: 0064 (3) 448 8118
Subject: |
Keywords: Deep South, Long-term ozone measurements, global ozone database, climate model evaluation, profiles, homogenized ozone database
Description: |
A global, vertically resolved, monthly mean zonal mean ozone database has been generated – hereafter referred to as the BSVertOzone database. It combines measurements from several satellite-based instruments and ozone profile measurements from the global ozonesonde network. Monthly mean zonal mean ozone concentrations in mixing ratio and number density are provided in 5 latitude zones, spanning 70 altitude levels (1 to 70km), or 70 pressure 5 levels that are approximately 1km apart (878.4hPa to 0.046hPa). Different data sets or "Tiers" are provided: "Tier 0" is based only on the available measurements and therefore does not completely cover the whole globe or the full vertical range uniformly; the "Tier 0.5" monthly mean zonal means are calculated from a filled version of the Tier 0 database where missing monthly mean zonal mean values are estimated from correlations at level 20 against a total column ozone database and then at levels above and below on correlations with lower and upper levels respectively. The Tier 0.5 database includes the full range of measurement variability and is created as an intermediate step for the calculation of the "Tier 1" data where a least squares regression model is used to attribute variability to various known forcing factors for ozone. Regression model fit coefficients are expanded in Fourier series and Legendre polynomials (to account for seasonality and latitudinal structure, respectively). Four different combinations of contributions from selected regression model basis functions result in four different "Tier 1" data set that can be used for comparisons with climate model simulations that do not exhibit the same unforced variability as reality (unless they are nudged towards reanalyses). Comparisons with the ozone database from SWOOSH (Stratospheric Water and OzOne Satellite Homogenized data set) show excellent agreements in many regions of the globe, and minor differences caused by different bias adjustment procedures for the two databases. However, compared to SWOOSH, BSVertOzone additionally covers the troposphere.
Publisher: |
Bodeker Scientific
Type: |
Format: |
NetCDF files
Source: |
Satellite measurements and ozonesondes
Language: |
Modified: |