Interviews about valuation processes

Creator: Jim Sinner, Cawthron Institute. ORCID: 0000-0002-5956-2660. [email protected]
Subject: Keywords: Sustainable Seas, values, valuation, interviews, decision-making
Description: Charlotte Sunde conducted 13 interviews with people in the Marlborough Sounds who had been involved in decision-making processes concerning the use of marine space and resources, about their experiences in providing evidence about their values and how they would be affected by proposed activities. Annabelle Giorgetti, Jim Sinner and Marc Tadaki conducted 15 interviews of decision-makers and advisors from around New Zealand, about how values information is used in decision-making processes. All interviews and transcripts are confidential and can only be used by members of the project team for purposes identified in the ethics procedures for the project. (Sustainable Seas 2.1.1)
Publisher: Jim Sinner, Cawthron Institute. ORCID: 0000-0002-5956-2660. [email protected]
Type: audio recordings and transcripts
Format: .mp3 and .docx
Source: Local Storage
Language: English
Modified: 2019-07-22T12:11:09