Computational model for calculating tracks of particles in the coastal ocean

Creator: Ross Vennell orcid:0000-0001-6961-9977
Subject: Keywords: Sustainable Seas, Model Coastal ocean connectivity
Description: Part of an on-line tool to allow users to drop virtual plastic in parts of NZ’s coastal ocean, enabling them to learn about connectivity in the coastal ocean. The computational particle-tracking model “oceantracker” uses data from hydrodynamic computer models, to calculate particle tracks over time based on release location and time. The particle-tracking computation is much faster previous models used for unstructured hydrodynamic model grids, commonly used in the coastal ocean. It produces virtual particle tracks in JSON or NetCDF file formats. (Sustainable Seas project 5.1.4)
Publisher: Model Coastal ocean connectivity
Type: Model
Format: Creates NetCDF Files or JSON
Source: Local Storage
Language: Python
Modified: 2019-07-15T08:47:47