Browse Science Challenge Catalogue (ALL)


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NZESM historical and future scenario (SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0) simulations

NZESM (atmosphere-ocean-sea ice-ocean biogeochemistry-atmospheric chemistry) simulations. Historical and future scenario ensembles.

Ensemble member #1 - Rose suite ID u-bl658 (1950 - 2015...

Organic contaminants associated with salmon farms in Marlborough Sounds (NSC 4.1.1 (15))

1) Levels of organic contaminants, including current use and banned pesticides and pesistant organic pollutants, measured in tissue of blue cod collected from sites within 200m of salmon farms and at ...

Otolith fingerprinting juvenile sand flounder (NSC 4.1.1 (4))

1) Signatures of d18O (n=15) and trace elements (n=166) from juvenile sand flounder otoliths collected from 4 different estuaries in the East Coast of the South Island (Summer 2017-18 and 2018-19)
2) ...

Phytoplankton taxonomic composition and enumeration data

Phytoplankton data was collected from sites within the Marlborough Sounds on many occasions (June 2017-July 2019) in association with the collection of samples for development and validation of qPC...

Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase oxidative state method

A method/SOP for detection of compounds of interest from exacts of seaweeds.
(Sustainable Seas project number 2.13)

Reuse of Platforms and Infrastructure

The research programme comprised several stand-alone investigations that together contribute to understanding any potential environmental or social benefits relating to the re-use of offshore oil and ...

Rocky reef community sampling at Marlborough Sound salmon farms (NSC 4.1.1 (14))

1) Data from quantitative surveys using transects and quadrats to estimate abudances of key fish and invertebrate species respectively. Surveys were carried out on the nearest significant reef sites t...

Salmon farm mesocosm experiment (NSC 4.1.1 (12))

1) IDs, lengths, and weights at sampling time points beginning August 2017, for Sticopus Mollis, Parapercis colias, Notolabrus celidotus, Perna canaliculus, Mytilus edulis in a controlled tank environ...

Sea ice outputs from coupled climate model simulations including grease ice

These data are outputs from climate simulations carried out using HadGEM3-GC3.1 described in the associated journal article. The three simulations that constitute the STANDARD ensemble described in th...

Sean Handley\'s paleoecological datasets, Separation Pt, Tasman Bay

Collection includes:
- radio isotope readings from sediment cores (Pb-210, Cs-173)
- micofossil records for dating from core slices (e.g. Pteridium, Pinus, Plantago)
- Surface grab and sediment core ...

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