Browse Science Challenge Catalogue (ALL)


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He Kāinga Taurikura ō Tangitū - Treasured Coastal Environment

Mātauranga-a-hapū underpins this project, which is situated within the Tangitū rohe moana (northern Hawke’s Bay) and on a kuku (mussels) reef which is under threat due to anthropogenic pressures and t...

Hindcast and sensitivity simulations of NZESM

Bio-physical hindcasts of NZESM from 1958 to present. These simulation are meant to capture past climate and climate variability and allow for a direct comparison to observations. JRA-55-DO v1.3 has b...

Inorganic nutrients in Nydia Bay

Inorganic nutrient concentrations (nitrate + nitrite-N, ammonium-N, dissolved reactive phosphorus, and dissolved reactive silicate) in water column profiles were sampled along a transect though Nydia...

Interviews about social license

James Baines, Peter Edwards and Gail Tipa conducted interviews of 15 people from marine industries, environmental and community groups and Maori organisations, about how they understand and approach t...

Interviews about valuation processes

Charlotte Sunde conducted 13 interviews with people in the Marlborough Sounds who had been involved in decision-making processes concerning the use of marine space and resources, about their experienc...

Interviews with marine ecotourism operators in New Zealand

Qualitative interviews from 45 mins to 1 hour (n=26) with marine ecotourism operators (wildlife = 11), sea kayak (=2), Waka (=1), surf (=1), marine learning (=1), small scale cruise (=1), various mari...

Isotope and trace metal signatures of Austrovenus and Macomona from 6 South Island estuaries (NSC 4.1.1 (5))

1) Isotopic values of d13C, d15N, %N, %C and C:N for Austrovenus, Macomona, SPOM and macroalgae collected from 6 estuarine systems on the South Island (Whanganui Inlet, Waikawa Harbour, Waitati Inlet,...

Isotopic study of commercial fish (NSC 4.1.1 (2))

1)Signatures of d13C, d15N, %N, %C and C:N from 19 key species of kelp collected along the East Coast of the South Island (Summer 2017-18 and 2018-19)
2)Signatures of d13C, d15N, %N, %C and C:N from 3...

Kohunga Kutai - initial research dataset intention

Kohunga Kutai is a Sustainable Seas - Blue Economy Innovation Fund project investigating the use of native plant fibres for capture of settling larval green-lipped mussels for subsequent use in seedin...

Landfast sea-ice and sub-ice platelet-layer thicknesses in McMurdo Sound from electromagnetic induction (EM) surveys - Field Event K063_2011

DEEP SOUTH NATIONAL SCIENCE CHALLENGE: Targeted observation and process-informed modelling of Antarctic sea ice (TOPIMASI)
Median Latitude: -77.785426 * Median Longitude: 166.035306 * South-...

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